How Abra Is Helping Our Biggest Merchants Win Black Friday

How Abra Is Helping Our Biggest Merchants Win Black Friday

If we were to rebuild Shopify today it would be built around the customer rather than a static website.

The customer spending hours scrolling on their phone until they come across your ad with that great offer. They click, but forget what brought them to your site, forget the discount code and leave your site. Yes, a flashy homepage is cool but the merchants we talk to are often more proud of an email or ad funnel that converts well than any good looking page on their website.

And they’re proud of those things because they’re difficult to do. When it comes to conversions, merchants have a leaky bucket rather than a perfect funnel. This is why our mission is to help turn any store into a high converting one.

With Black Friday only weeks away we wanted to share what we are building for some of the largest merchants on Shopify’s platform using Abra.
With Black Friday only weeks away we wanted to share what we are building for some of the largest merchants on Shopify’s platform using Abra.

If you are Interested in learning more you can book a call for a personalized demo for these new custom components.

Here are the three main goals we are focusing on going into Black Friday:

  1. Memorable offers
  2. Conversions from cart
  3. Discounting with gifts

Memorable Offers

Reinforcing the discount code and why the price is updated makes customers more likely to get to checkout. With the Abra, components on the collection page and product page are updated with the specifics of the discount - filling in the gap from email to checkout.

The clarity creates urgency and provides your customers with a seamless path to checkout with the discount automatically applied.

Conversions From Cart

Conversions From Cart

The cart is an under optimized spot for promotions. Bringing the context of the discount into the cart can help your customers shorten the path from cart to checkout.

With our links we understand the intent of the customer and can add context to upsells. If the customer needs to spend $50 to get the discount, reinforcing that at the cart increases their order value but also ensures more customers get to checkout.

Discounting With Gifts

Discounting With Gifts

I haven’t met a merchant that likes discounting. At worst it is a necessary evil but when done right - it can make a customer feel special and appreciated.

Gift with purchase is a good way to make people feel they are getting something special all the while avoiding the battle of price markdowns.

Our goal with gift with purchase was to build exclusive offers that could be turned on with a link. With a simpler flow that blends into the storefront.

Setting it up on your store

That is what we have lined up for Black Friday and there is more to come. If you are interested in running any of these on your storefront or something else you have in mind, you can book a call with us.

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